Monday, October 17, 2011


Regardless of how you feel about it Halloween is upon us. In our house we have never celebrated this holiday. (We don't do Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy,  or the Easter Bunny either...but don't worry my kids get plenty of presents and candy.) It is just our personal conviction that we don't want to draw attention away from Jesus. The world does plenty of that. We don't want to put Him (Jesus) into the same category as these other fictional characters either. We are not "anti" these things, but they are not our focus and are not included in our holidays. That being said, I don't want my children to be ignorant or uninformed either.

I was so excited when a good friend of ours gave us a book to read with our children. It explains Halloween truthfully from a Christian perspective. The name of it is Halloween Is It for Real. I have not read it with them yet but I am really looking forward to reading it with them and doing a few crafts. I will post a blog with pictures when we do read the book.

I also wanted to share with you a link to my friend's blog. She has a great post about some of her fall activities, but she also has a devotional you can do with your family while carving a pumpkin. What a great way to share Jesus with your little ones. Click here to see her blog.

We also have the book, The Pumpkin Patch Parable, this is a great way to share Jesus with your family as well. Hope you have a blessed week (all 3 of my readers) and let the light of Jesus shine through you!


  1. I left you an award on my blog!

    You're welcome! :)

  2. Great ideas for celebrating the season without doing the actual Halloween thing. (We do it though...)
